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4 min read•june 18, 2024
Riya Patel
Riya Patel
Prehistoric art is a field of study that encompasses the art created by humans before the invention of writing systems. Theories and interpretations of prehistoric art are based on the limited surviving artifacts and the context in which they were found. Archaeological excavations and the use of carbon-14 dating have helped to shed light on the interconnections of art across the world. However, much of the interpretation of prehistoric art remains conjecture due to the small number of surviving artifacts and those that are yet to be found.
Ethnographic analogy, which involves considering modern traditional cultural practices as models for ancient ones, and the reconstruction of religious history, noting shamanism as the earliest and most persistent worldwide spiritual approach, can be applied to help establish general theories of the function and meaning of prehistoric art.
Archaeology and art history work together to provide a comprehensive understanding of prehistoric art. The use of modern stratigraphic archaeology, which involves the precise recording of each level and location of all objects, was first used around 1900. This method has served as a basis for art history studies.
Archaeology provides information about the context in which artifacts were found, such as the location and dating of a site, and can help to understand how people, culture, and art traveled across the globe, even before highly organized societies were formed. For example, important monuments such as the caves at Lascaux and media such as ceramics, were first discovered by archaeologists, then described and analyzed and finally, made available for interpretation by art historians.
A deeper understanding of prehistoric art can be achieved by applying various methods from archaeology and art history. The function of artistic expression prior to written records is inferred from evidence of technology and survival strategies, as well as the relationship of tools and their function, whether task-related or expressive. Other factors to consider include the available food sources, the rise of sophisticated culture, and humans’ capacity to shape and manage the environment.
Basic art historical methods, such as comparing works of art, imagery, materials, and techniques to identify patterns, can be applied to prehistoric art. For example, a prevalence of transformational animal or human iconography can be observed. Ethnographic approaches can then be used to propose hypotheses, such as certain iconography being shamanic in nature.
Cross-cultural comparisons can also help establish wider generalizations. For example, South African, Asian, and Indigenous American peoples all participated in rock/cave expressions of a visionary aesthetic. This way, even a small amount of evidence can produce theories that can be proposed, tested, refined, and potentially rejected by conflicting evidence or new information, similar to other periods of art history and other disciplines.
Courtesy of SmartHistory
Prehistoric European. 15,000-13,000 BCE.
Learning Objective: Prehistoric cave art
The caves of Lascaux and other similar sites in the region provide a glimpse into the beliefs, rituals, and daily lives of prehistoric humans. The Great Hall of Bulls painting, in particular, is considered one of the most spectacular and well-preserved examples of prehistoric art in the world.
Many theories have been proposed to explain the meaning of the artwork in the Great Hall of Bulls. Some experts believe that it served as a hunting magic, meant to ensure the success of hunting expeditions. Others argue that it was a ritual design, honoring animals and their role in the cycle of life. Some also propose that it was a narrative of a story, a depiction of a specific event or a representation of the artist's vision of the world.
The artworks in the caves of Lascaux were created using simple tools and pigments, such as charcoal and ochre. The cave's natural features, such as the white calcite walls and non-porous roof, helped to preserve the paintings for thousands of years. The caves were discovered in 1940, and since then, they have been studied and analyzed by experts from various fields, including archaeology, anthropology, and art history.
It's worth noting that due to the fragility of the cave paintings, the cave of Lascaux is closed to the public and a replica of the cave was opened in 1983 to visitors.
Overall, the Caves of Lascaux and other similar sites in the region provide invaluable information about the beliefs, rituals, and daily lives of prehistoric humans, and their relationship with the natural world. They also offer a glimpse into the development of human creativity, imagination, and artistic expression.
Courtesy of Encyclopedia Britannica
Prehistoric Europe. 2,500-1,600 BCE.
Learning Objective: Prehistoric European architecture
Stonehenge is considered one of the most enigmatic ancient monuments in the world. Its purpose, construction methods, and the people who built it remain a mystery. However, through archaeological research, historians have been able to piece together some information about the site.
It is believed that Stonehenge was built in several phases, over a period of around 1,500 years, by different tribes of people. The bluestones, which were brought from Wales, may have been chosen for their perceived healing properties, but other theories suggest they were chosen because of their cultural or spiritual significance.
The construction of the monument required a significant amount of effort and resources. The vertical stones were placed in large holes with sloping sides and then hauled upright using fiber rope. The horizontal stones were raised using timber platforms and adjusted to fit the mortise holes.
Today, Stonehenge is a popular tourist destination and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, attracting over 1 million visitors annually. The site continues to be the subject of ongoing research and study, as scientists and historians work to uncover more secrets about this ancient monument.
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