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3 min read•june 18, 2024
Eshal Warsi
Eshal Warsi
Wetlands and Mangroves are very important aquatic ecosystems. They provide several environmental services to humans, plants, and animals. But they are also threatened like many other habitats.
There is one learning objective the College Board wants us to learn:
Image from Elly Kedlers via Unsplash
Wetland: according to the EPA, Wetlands are areas where water covers the soil either part or all of the time
The EPA also groups wetlands into two distinct groups:
Coastal/Tidal Wetlands
Inland/Non-tidal Wetlands
Image from Timothy K via Unsplash
Learn more about: 1.3 Aquatic Biomes 🐠
1. Commercial Development
Companies often try to fill wetlands up to build houses and big commercial malls and arenas, destroying the habitat for all the animals in the wetlands.
Filling wetlands also reduces its ability to prevent floods. Unfortunately, homes built on these covered wetlands are more susceptible to these floods if the wetlands can not control them through absorption. 2. Dam Construction
The primary purpose of dams is to divert water flow. Sometimes the water is used to power electricity or is stemmed to allow easier commercial development.
Dams prevent water from actually reaching the wetlands. Since they cannot refill, it is impossible to maintain their reservoirs, and they become drained. Many animals cannot live there anymore. It also does not purify the water that humans need to keep costs low for drinking water.
Image from Daniel Morris via Unsplash
3. Overfishing
Fish in wetlands are important predators and prey in the wetland ecosystem. They are keystone species - without them, the ecosystem would greatly suffer. The low fish population might lead to a massive reduction in species that rely on them for survival. Biodiversity is the most important to an area, and overfishing significantly threatens that. 4. Pollutant Runoff
Wetlands are very vulnerable to chemical pollutants since runoff usually ends up in bodies of water. These pollutants are meant to be disposed of and should not end up in water bodies.
However, many of them still do, which affects the ability of fish to breathe since they are not used to filtering such contaminants.
Some can even cause an overgrowth of nutrients in wetlands. This is known as cultural eutrophication.
Learn more about: 8.2 Human Impacts on Ecosystems
The most important thing about wetlands is that they are CRUCIAL to our biosphere. They provide many services such as water filtration, habitation for animals, and even flooding controls.
Unfortunately, they are under attack because of human-induced activities. But we can help save them by being aware of developments that could threaten our local wetlands.
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