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Claire Duggan
Claire Duggan
Studies show that beauty and happiness are linked; that one may find joy or pleasure in creating or observing something he finds beautiful. But how would we translate this, these ideals and relations, into content on a standardized test?
Here are some questions to think about (in French!):
Que signifie la beauté pour moi ?
En quoi la beauté est-elle différente entre ma communauté et une communauté francophone ?
Quel est le type de beauté (physique, artistique, musicale, etc.) que vous appréciez ou regardez le plus ? Pourquoi ?
Que faites-vous pour interagir avec la beauté dans votre communauté ?
Quel type de beauté (physique, artistique, musicale, etc.) est le plus important ou le plus précieux pour
In short, what does beauty mean to you? How do you express your personal aesthetic? Can you articulate these ideas in French?
La Joconde (aka Mona Lisa) by Leonardo Da Vinci is one of the most recognized images in the world. Why? Was she beautiful? Is the portrait a masterpiece? Does her smile speak to your inner happiness? Why do millions of tourists flock to see her at the Louvre every year?
mot / expression | explication en anglais |
l’art: un chef d’oeuvre /un portrait / un autoportrait / un paysage/un tableau/ une toile | art: a masterpiece /a portrait / a self-portrait /a landscape/a painting / a canvas |
l’apparence / une ressemblance / l’imitation | the appearance / a resemblance / an imitation |
le corps: maigre / mince/ rond / obèse / costaud / musclé / en forme / le poid / avoir un excès de poids | the body: scrawny/thin/plump/obese/stocky/ muscular / in shape / weight / to be overweight |
la peau : pâle / bronzé / le bronzage / le visage /les rides / blanchir / le blanchissement de peau | the skin: pale / tan / tanning (of skin) // the face / wrinkles / to whiten / whitening of one’s skin |
se maquiller / le maquillage / se teindre les cheveux | to put on makeup / makeup (cosmetics) / to color / dye ones’ hair |
un tatouage / se faire tatouer | a tattoo / to get a tattoo |
un piercing / se faire percer | a piercing / to get a piercing |
un soin esthétique / la chirurgie esthétique | a face/body treatment, at a spa or beauty salon, for example; plastic surgery |
avoir l’air / attirer / plaire à / apparaître / captiver / convenir / se réjouir /imiter | to look / to attract / to please / to appear/ to captivate / to agree or to suit (one’s needs, likes, desires)/ to enjoy / to imitate |
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