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4 min read•july 11, 2024
Amanda DoAmaral
Amanda DoAmaral
In AP Human Geography, unit 7 covers the development of cities. The following guide will be updated periodically with hyperlinks to excellent resources. As you are reviewing for this unit, focus on the key concepts!
The following summary is from AMSCO AP Human Geography:
Cities and the suburbs around them are constantly changing--in how they are laid out, how they work, and how large they are. One of the most basic questions geographers study is why people move into or out of various parts of urban areas.
Geographers create models to show the distribution and size of cities. They identify patterns that help explain why cities grow to various sizes and how people in different cities are connected to each other. Other models help geographers analyze how cities are organized and develop. Cities generally have zones for commerce, housing, and other functions.
People express their attitudes and values through the landscapes they build and how they organize social spaces. The choices people make, such as how closely to live next to other people and where to build an airport or how much to plan for the future, all reflect what they consider important. Large concentrations of people can produce both great opportunities for progress and great challenges. Some challenges result from decline, such as the movement of industry out of cities. Other result from sustainability, such as how to keep air and water clean.
STUDY TIP: The models will appear all over the exam, in both multiple choice and FRQs. You should be able to identify each one from a description or image, apply them to examples, and use them in your writing.
⚡ Watch: AP Human Geography - Urban Models and Hierarchy of Cities
STUDY TIP: Content from the this unit has appeared on the FRQs nine times since 2001. Take a look at these questions before you review the key concepts & vocabulary below to get a sense of how you will be assessed. Then, come back to these later and practice writing as many as you can
2017 - Question 1: Mixed Use Development and New Urbanism
2013 - Question 3: Influence of transportation model on urban growth patterns
2011 - Question 1: Primate Cities/Rank Size Rule
2009 - Question 2: Squatter Settlements in LDCs
2005 - Question 3: Urban Revival
2004 - Question 3: Urban population/demographic structure
2002 - Question 3: Urban population patterns: Female Households
2001 - Question 2: Development of the Suburbs
The following outline was adapted from the AP® Human Geography Course Description as published by College Board in 2015 found here. This outline reflects the most recent revisions to the course.*
⚡ Watch: AP Human Geography - Globalization & Urban Infrastructure and Sustainability and Challenges to Sustainable Cities
STUDY TIP: These are the concepts and vocabulary from unit 7 that most commonly appear on the exam. Create a quizlet deck to make sure you are familiar with these terms!
Deep breath. This unit has the most terms to know! ????
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