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4 min read•july 11, 2024
Samantha Himegarner
Samantha Himegarner
Hey, what’s up? Are you in need of some review for AP Music Theory? Well, look no further, you have come to the right place! The content within AP Music Theory can be pretty tricky to master, especially with so many vocabulary terms to keep track of! That’s why we have compiled a list of some super helpful Quizlet decks to aid you in learning, studying, and review!
The best way to study vocabulary is through memorization and repetition, and what better way to enforce those methods than through flashcards? Quizlet.com is a popular site that allows students to use virtual flashcards to study. Here are some pre-made Quizlet decks that you can use to study and reference throughout the year in order to be successful on the exam in May.
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Music Theory Flashcards | Quizlet If you have trouble remembering the order of sharps, order of flats, or just key signatures in general, this is a perfect Quizlet deck for you to use! While this may seem like a really basic concept, it is super important to have a strong foundation in key signatures and scales. If this is a concept that is difficult for you, the rest of the class is going to seem impossible. So what better way than to practice and review, right?
Important Terms:
Music Theory :) Flashcards | Quizlet This deck features similar vocabulary to the one above; it features some more general review of key signatures as well. This deck actually expands on this concept with some content from other units. Similarly to the first deck, having a good understanding of these concepts, especially the vocabulary within this set, will set you up for success as you continue with the course.
Important Terms:
AP Music Theory Chapter 3 Flashcards | Quizlet This deck reviews some concepts covered in the one listed above, such as scale degrees, but then delves into the world of scales and modes! It is super important to develop familiarity with this kind of vocabulary as well. Although it is a relatively smaller deck at just 36 terms, this is still a great review resource!
Important Terms
AP Music Theory Vocabulary List Flashcards | Quizlet
There are almost 300 terms included in this deck, making it a great option for reviewing for a final or the AP exam. The vocabulary on this deck should cover concepts from each unit, so you could even use this to get a head start on some future material!
Important Terms
AP Music Theory Super Review Flashcards | Quizlet
As this title suggests, this deck is a BIG one. And by “big” I mean there are over 450 terms to review within this deck! Music theory relies on a lot of niche vocabulary in order to explain its various concepts and ideas, so it is super important to understand the vocabulary at each level and unit.
Important Terms
And there you have it: some amazing Quizlet decks for you to utilize in your studying and review for AP Music Theory. A lot of the multiple-choice section will use these vocabulary words as a way to assess your understanding of music theory, so while it may seem tedious, it is actually very important! Happy studying!
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