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Krish Gupta
Daniella Garcia-Loos
Krish Gupta
Daniella Garcia-Loos
You are probably familiar with the quantity of force, the interaction that causes a change in an object’s motion. In fluid dynamics, we also look at the property of pressure, which is the ratio of the force to the perpendicular area of the object. This is typically measured in atmospheres (atm) 😺
The pressure exerted on an object submerged in a liquid is known as hydrostatic pressure. If we take the weight of the object and divide it by its area, we get the hydrostatic pressure 🚿 which equals pgh. It is important to take notice that the pressure felt by an object only depends on the density of the liquid and how deep the object is submerged from the top of the liquid. It does not depend at all on the mass of the object.
The total, or absolute, pressure an object experiences has 2 components. Gauge pressure, which is due to the liquid, and atmospheric pressure, which is due to the atmosphere 🤓
Therefore total pressure equals gauge pressure (pgh) added to the atmospheric pressure. Pay attention to the fact that gauge pressure depends on the density of the fluid and how deep the object is from the top of the fluid. If the atmospheric pressure is not given to you in the problem, you can assume it to be 1 atmosphere.
Here are some key points about the pressure equation:
Where P is the pressure, ρ is the density of the fluid, g is the acceleration due to gravity, h is the height above the reference point, and v is the velocity of the fluid.
Q. What is the gauge pressure in an open fish tank if the absolute pressure is 5 atms?
A. Absolute pressure is the sum of the atmosphere and gauge pressure. Since the atmospheric pressure due to air can be assumed to be 1 atmosphere and the absolute pressure is 5 atms the gauge pressure is 5-1= 4 atms.
Caution: atmospheric pressure won't always be 1, especially if you're in a closed or sealed container (like in closed pipes). Atmospheric pressure can be assumed to be one in a container that is open to the environment!
It is also important to keep in mind that unlike force, pressure is a scalar. Pressure is defined to be at the point perpendicular to the surface. Therefore, going left or right across a liquid won’t affect the pressure the object feels.
Pascal’s principle states that pressure at a point in a fluid is equal in all directions. This fact is used to lift heavy objects using hydraulic lifts 🏋️♀️ Since the pressures have to be equal, we can apply a small force to a small area and obtain a much larger push back from the liquid over a much larger area.
Here are some key points about Pascal's principle:
Pascal Principle shown in the image
Pressure and velocity are inversely correlated. This is one of the most asked and frequently missed principles on exams. Areas of low pressure have high velocity, and areas of high pressure have low velocity. Our intuition would tell us that fast-moving things would have more pressure, but, instead, this principle focuses on the pressure on the walls of the container. Slow-moving liquids exert greater pressure on the walls of the container than faster-moving liquids. This is called the Bernoulli effect.
** The Bernoulli effect is what leads to air flow and the phenomenon known as lift, allowing for inventions like the airplane. So the next time you fly on an airplane, remember to thank Bernoulli. ✈️ **
The concept of pressure is first discussed in this unit with regards to fluids, but it also comes up later in the Unit 2 and Thermodynamics. In this section, we mostly focus on the interactions of an object in liquids. Later we will shift our focus to gases.
Here are some key points about the Bernoulli effect:
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