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Daniella Garcia-Loos
Saarah Hasan
Daniella Garcia-Loos
Saarah Hasan
Light’s ability to diffract and display interference is clear evidence of its wavelike nature. When waves meet in phase (crest meets crest), they display constructive interference; if they meet out of phase (crest meets trough), they display destructive interference. These interference patterns can be observed in light by using two or more narrow slits (we’ll get into this more in a bit).
When waves that have the same wavelength interfere with each other, the difference in the distances they’ve traveled determine whether they’re in phase or out of phase. If the difference of their path lengths, ΔlΔl, is a whole number of wavelengths, then the waves will meet in phase. If the difference is a whole number plus ½ of a wavelength, then the waves will meet out of phase.
Constructive Interference: Δl=mλ
Where m = 0,1,2…m=0,1,2…
Destructive Interference:Δl=(m+½)λ
Constructive Interference Taken from Wikipedia
Destructive Interference Taken from Wikimedia Commons
Here are some key points about constructive and destructive interference:
Let’s expand a bit more on diffraction: what is it? You can think of diffraction as the spreading of waves when they meet an obstacle/slit. This is easily observable when a wave from a coherent(which means that the phase difference of the wave remains constant) source passes through a slit that’s similar in size to its wavelength.
Taken from Wikimedia Commons
So what was Thomas Young’s experiment? Young sent light from the left side of a screen towards two small openings. If light was simply a particle, then it would’ve traveled as two narrow strips, directly opposite the slits in the barrier. But that’s not what happened, as you can see above.
If monochromatic coherent light travels through two close small slits, then it diffracts through them, interfering with itself and creating interference patterns, as shown below. The light continues to exhibit this wave nature as it spreads.
Taken from Wikimedia Commons
Taken from openstax.org
In the figure above, you can see the points of constructive and destructive interference. The points where the solid lines intersect with the other solid lines are points of constructive interference. The points where the solid lines intersect with the dashed lines are points of destructive interference.
In the figure above, you can see the points of constructive and destructive interference. The points where the solid red lines intersect with the other solid lines are points of constructive interference. The points where the dashed red lines intersect with the solid lines are points of destructive interference.
The screen shows the results of this interference. We get bright bands/spots where the waves interfere constructively; where the waves interfere destructively, we get dark bands/spots. The equations we use to find these fringes are:
We use different symbols below, so know that we mean α is θ and thatΔ is dsinθ Taken from Wikimedia Commons
Constructive Interference: dsinθ=mλ
(intensity maximum bright fringe on screen)
Destructive Interference: dsinθ=(m+½λ)
(intensity minimum dark fringe on screen)
If θ is really small, the hypotenuse is nearly equal to L(small angle approximation).
From that we can turn
dsinθ=mλ into d(x/L)=mλ
We can rearrange this expression to get one that describes the distance between the fringes:
Here's an interactive where you can do Young's experiment yourself.
Important ideas to keep in mind:
Thin Film Interference
When light travels across mediums, some of it reflects and some crosses the boundary. The light that gets reflected may undergo a phase change-the wave will flip. If n_2 is greater than n_1n, there will be 180 degrees.
Taken from Wikimedia Commons
When light passes through a very thin material (such as a soap bubble or a piece of glass) some of it refracts, some of it reflects off the top and undergoes a phase change, some of the light reflects off of the back of the film and then refracts out the other side. This will all probably sound really confusing, so let’s take a look at a picture to simplify.
Taken from physics.stackexchange.com
In the figure above, when light hits the thin material, some of it is reflected from the first surface (front) and some from the secondary surface (back). Some of the reflected waves interfere constructively, making those wavelengths more intense. Some interfere destructively; their wavelengths are absent from the reflection.
Keep in mind that the wave that’s reflected from the front undergoes a 180^o 180ophase change, but the wave reflected from the back doesn’t. The total distance that the wave travels is twice the thickness of the material.
For destructive interference- the total distance traveled must be a multiple of a whole wavelength.
For constructive interference- the total distance traveled must be an odd multiple of half a wavelength.
Now, how do we calculate the wavelength inside the material? We start off with this equation, which hopefully looks familiar:
The index of refraction of the first substance * the wavelength of light through that first substance = The index of refraction of the second substance * the wavelength of light through the second substance.
The λ in the material, however, is different from λ in the air
λ_n= wavelength in the material
λ= wavelength in air
n= index of refraction of the material
The thickness of the material:
Destructive: t(min)=½ λ_n
Also occurs if the thickness is λ, 1.5λ, 2λ, 2.5λ…
Constructive: t(min)=¼ λ_n
Also occurs if the thickness is 0.75λ, 1.25λ, 1,75λ, 2.25λ…
Here are some key points to remember about thin film interference:
A) I only
B) II only
C) III only
D) I & III only
E) II & III only
A) D/2
C) D√2
D) 2D
E) 4D
A) increase the slit width
B) decrease the slit width
C) increase the slit separation
D) decrease the slit separation
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